[Tex/LaTex] Is it possible to get rid of the bullets in the miniframes outer theme


I actually like the bullets shown when using \useoutertheme{miniframes}, but for the long talk I have to give there are just ridiculously many.

too many bullets

Is it possible to keep the same theme and just removing the bullets, and then displaying slide numbers instead?

Here is a minimal example:

\documentclass[compress, final]{beamer}
    \useoutertheme[footline=empty, subsection=true]{miniframes}


\begin{frame}{Test frame}
        Beamer is cool


Best Answer

You can modify the headline. For example:

      leftskip=.3cm,rightskip=.3cm plus1fil]{section in head/foot}
    \usebeamerfont{section in head/foot}\usebeamercolor[fg]{section in head/foot}%
  \begin{beamercolorbox}[colsep=1.5pt]{middle separation line head}
    leftskip=.3cm,rightskip=.3cm plus1fil]{subsection in head/foot}
    \usebeamerfont{subsection in head/foot}\insertsubsectionhead
  \begin{beamercolorbox}[colsep=1.5pt]{lower separation line head}

This is very similar to miniframes headline but it uses \insertsectionhead instead of \insertnavigation which includes those bullets.