[Tex/LaTex] Interactive Beamer presentation with Clicks and Arrows


I watched a nice presentation here about atrial fibrillation with interactive features.
I would like to have similar features too.


\frametitle{Normal Conduction System}

where picture

enter image description here

Clicking right-atrium gives

enter image description here

Clicking left-atrium gives

enter image description here

You can click any part of those parts in any order and it gives arrow there.
I do not know if Beamer is sufficient for this.
Probably, some combination with Tikz?

How can you have such an interactive model for a picture in LaTeX?

Best Answer

You can overlay invisible hyperlinks over the image, they are rectangular but you can tile the image as finely as needed. Here I use four tiles and clicking on each of the areas of the heart takes you to the relevant page. (One image appears to have been over-written by mistake, ignore that:-)

enter image description here

\usepackage[colorlinks=false,pdfborder={0 0 0}]{hyperref}


\section*{Right atrium\label{h-ra}}
\section*{Left atrium\label{h-la}}
\section*{Right ventricle\label{h-rv}}


while positioning the boxes use \framebox instead of \makebox then you can see the tiles:

enter image description here