[Tex/LaTex] Installing Tikz-Feynman


I am a novice and I a have no idea how to install Tikz-Feynman from scratch. I have downloaded the source code and I would like to install it on mac. Could anybody please help me installing the package?

Thank you.

Best Answer

Thanks for your interest in TikZ-Feynman. Since the package is available on CTAN, all you really need to do is make sure your distribution is up to date which is well described in this question.

If, for any reason, you can't update your distribution, you can still install the package in your local TEXMF tree. Firsty, you'll need to obtain the package files from either project page or CTAN. Next, you'll need to locate your local TEXMF tree, and there are instructions for that in other questions (Linux / Unix, Windows).

In the end, you should have all the files in:

$TEXMFHOME/tex/latex/tikz-feynman/<package files>

Note that TikZ-Feynman contains a few extra files in addition to the usual .cls files and just to be safe, you should copy them all.