[Tex/LaTex] Proper circle propagator loop using tikz-feynman package


Since I wasn't able to comment the answer to this question:

Propagator loop in Feynman diagram using tikz-feynman package

I need to ask separately.
I was looking for the same thing except that I would like the propagator loop to be a proper circle. Does anybody know how this can be done?

%% luatex85 is only necesary to fix a bug in standalone


\feynmandiagram [horizontal=a to b, layered layout] {
  a -- b [dot] -- [out=135, in=45, loop, min distance=3cm] b -- c,


Best Answer

It is possible to use the {feynman} environment within a {tikzpicture} which allows you to access all the commands from TikZ.



\diagram [horizontal=a to b, layered layout] {
  a -- b [dot]--b--c
\path (b)--++(90:0.5) coordinate (A);
\draw (A) circle(0.5);


enter image description here