[Tex/LaTex] Installing packages on Macbook Pro (MacTex BasicTex)


I have been looking around a lot and haven't found anything which helps my scenario or thoroughly explains.

I'm trying to use LaTeX on my new, shiny Macbook Pro. I installed TeXStudio and the BasicTeX (https://tug.org/mactex/morepackages.html) smaller installation of MacTeX (because I want to keep as much of my hard drive free as possible for other things) How do I go about installing packages such as chemfig or feynmf or amsmath? (P.S. are amsmath and tikz pre installed?)

Best Answer

The answer is Will Robertson's comment:

Use TeX Live Utility.

You should be able to access it from Spotlight or Launchpad.

I recently installed BasicTeX myself, and I'm fairly sure amsmath and mathtools were already included. I don't ever remember installing them myself, but my TeX Live Utility is listing them as "installed." tikz is not pre-installed.

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