[Tex/LaTex] Install Vim and Latex suite


Good Afternoon All,

I am trying to install Vim and Latex suite to work on my latex project.

I need help with installing this properly on Mac OS X Lion. I have already installed MacVim.

To setup Vim-Latex I am using instructions provided here. According to instructions

  1. I have downlaoded vim-latex-1.8.23-20120125.768-git8b62284.tar and
    extracted to ~/.vim directory.
  2. I have created file ~/.vimrc with
    content from recommended settings
  3. I have created file
    ~/.vim/ftplugin/tex.vim with content from recommended settings.

Install the help files
To install the included latex-suite.txt and latexhelp.txt files as vim help files, start vim and do the following:
helptags ~/.vim/doc

How do I do this step, because from terminal I get following error

Khurrams-MacBook:.vim kmajeed$ helptags ~/.vim/doc/  
-bash: helptags: command not found
Khurrams-MacBook:.vim kmajeed$ 

How can I make sure LATEX is setup and working fine for me?

Best Answer

helptags is not a shell command, it is a vim command. You need to call it from inside vim. Start vim and type

:helptags ~/.vim/doc/

(notice the colon).