[Tex/LaTex] Insert this complex equation


I am new to Latex and was trying to insert the below equation.

I am trying to insert this equation

But I am not getting it right

below is my code

S (ω)=1.466\, H_s^2 \,  \frac{ω_0^5}{ω^6 }  \, e^[-3^ { ω/(ω_0  )]^2}

Best Answer

The formula to the right of the = symbol in the first row comes reasonably close to the screenshot you posted, including the use of small outer square brackets and large inner curly braces. However, I do not recommend this look. The "look" of the second row may be more appealing to your readers.

enter image description here

\usepackage{amsmath} % for 'align*' env.
&= \frac{\alpha g^2}{\omega^5} e^{[ -0.74\bigl\{\frac{\omega U_\omega 19.5}{g}\bigr\}^{\!-4}\,]} \\
&= \frac{\alpha g^2}{\omega^5} \exp\Bigl[ -0.74\Bigl\{\frac{\omega U_\omega 19.5}{g}\Bigr\}^{\!-4}\,\Bigr] 