[Tex/LaTex] Insert jpg image in the margin of beamer slide


I am using the Goettingen theme (beamer). I want to insert a jpg file in the margin (bottom right) of the current frame. I also want the image to be semi-transparent. Please help.

Best Answer

Try this:


\usepackage[absolute,overlay]{textpos}      %for positioning
\usepackage{tikz}                           %for transparency

\newenvironment{reference}[2]{%                                            %
\begin{textblock*}{\textwidth}(#1,#2)                                      % creates the reference environment              
  \footnotesize\it\bgroup\color{red!50!black}}{\egroup\end{textblock*}}    %



The solution is based on the tetxpos and TikZ packages. It produces this: enter image description here

you need to insert the location of you jpeg image and change the reference values according to its size. The beamer slide is 128*96mm. You may also need to scale your jpeg \includegraphics[scale=<value>]

If you instead want the jpeg to appear in every frame, then add this code in the preamble

    \setbeamertemplate{sidebar left}{

notice the sidebar left template. It must be on the opposite side with respect to where your navigation sidebar is, otherwise it will overwrite it.