[Tex/LaTex] Put a beamer background image in the right bottom corner


In beamer, I like to place a background image in all my slides. So I could use this:

\tikz[overlay,remember picture] \node[opacity=0.3, at=(current page.center)] {

However, to put the background image at the right-bottom corner, what should I do? I guess I should change some how "current page.center" to something like "current page.south east". But, I want to match the right-bottom corner of the image file with the right-bottom corner of the slides.

Best Answer

Add anchor=south east together with at=(current page.south east). Moreover, you'd probably also want to set inner sep=0 to avoid unnecessary white spaces.


\usepackage{mwe} % provides example image

  \tikz[overlay,remember picture] 
  \node[opacity=0.3, at=(current page.south east),anchor=south east,inner sep=0pt] {

\frame{frame content}


enter image description here