[Tex/LaTex] Indicating axis rotation with pgfplots


I use pgfplots to render the mesh of a truncated cone in a 3D coordinate system like this:

            axis lines=center, 
            ticks = none,
            scaled ticks=false,
            enlarge x limits=0.25,  
            enlarge y limits=0.85,
            enlarge z limits=0.55,
            axis on top=true,
            x axis line style={opacity=0.5},
            y axis line style={opacity=0.5},
            z axis line style={opacity=0.5},
            y label style={at={(axis description cs:0.4, 0.73)},anchor=north},
            xlabel={$x$}, ylabel={$-z$}, zlabel={$y$}
\addplot3[patch, opacity=0.7, patch table={indices.txt}] file {points.txt};

The current result:

Truncated Cone

I would also like to include an indication of the axis rotation similar to this thread: Circular arrow in 3D to indicate a unit axis rotation


Is that possible with pgfplots?

Best Answer

Here is a MWE you could work with :

            axis lines=center, 
            ticks = none,
            scaled ticks=false,
            axis equal,
            enlarge x limits=0.25,  
            enlarge y limits=0.85,
            enlarge z limits=0.55,
            axis on top=true,
            x axis line style={opacity=0.5},
            y axis line style={opacity=0.5},
            z axis line style={opacity=0.5},
            y label style={at={(axis description cs:0.4, 0.73)},anchor=north},
            xlabel={$x$}, ylabel={$-z$}, zlabel={$y$}]
  \addplot3[patch, opacity=0.7, patch table={indices.txt}] file {points.txt};
  \begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x=100]
    \draw [->] (30,0,0) arc (0:-350:30);
  \begin{scope}[canvas is xy plane at z=100]
    \draw [->] (30,0,0) arc (0:-350:30);
  \begin{scope}[canvas is xz plane at y=100]
    \draw [->] (30,0,0) arc (0:-350:30);


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