[Tex/LaTex] Incompatibility of biblatex and tex4ht when using defernumbers


There seems to be a known incompatibility between biblatex and tex4ht when using defernumbers=true.
I have one large .bib file. In the document I want to group the references into different categories. When using numerical labels, this requires defernumbers=true to obtain consecutive numbering.

Everything works fine, apart from that htlatex chokes on this option with the following error:

! LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document} in `'.

Forcing the run to continue for the example below, I obtain a usable .html, but there is a erroneous span tag right at the beginning:

class="cmr-10">01 12</span>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"  

This example illustrates the problem:


    AUTHOR = {Smith}, 
    TITLE = {Some Title}, 
    JOURNAL = {Some Journal},
    YEAR = {1942},
    AUTHOR = {Aronson}, 
    TITLE = {Some Title}, 
    JOURNAL = {Some Journal},
    YEAR = {1912},

% The following instead of the previous line works with tex4ht, but the numbering is not as desired.




Note that the problem doesn't occur without the option defernumbers=true. I am using an up-to-date TL 2011 distribution, i.e., a biblatex.sty version 1.7 dated 2011/11/13 19:09:07 and biblatex.4ht dated 2011-09-18-16:07.

Is there a workaround for this that doesn't require editing the .bib file?

Best Answer

I'm not sure if this will help exactly with the problem above - but I'll try to jot down my debugging steps. I was using a customized bibliography sorting in biblatex, which then requires biber - and, all being good in the PDF - as soon as I wanted to build this using htlatex, biber, htlatex - I got the above error (only when the .aux file is present)..

So first I get something like:

! LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document} in `'.
See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
l.29 ...backref{1}{myfirstcite}{0}{4}{4}

I search with grep through files to find this ...backref{1}{myfirstcite} - and it turns out it is in the .aux file; contents around that line look like this:

\@writefile{toc}{\defcounter {refsection}{0}\relax }\@writefile{toc}{\select@language{american}}
\@writefile{lof}{\defcounter {refsection}{0}\relax }\@writefile{lof}{\select@language{american}}
\@writefile{lot}{\defcounter {refsection}{0}\relax }\@writefile{lot}{\select@language{american}}

So I go back, run htlatex again - and now when it stops at error, I press 'I' in the shell to insert, and then just type \show and ENTER (ENTER maybe twice) - this spits an additional error message:

! Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup.
\abx@aux@backref ...{#2}}{#4}}\blx@addpagesum {#1}
l.29 ...backref{1}{myfirstcite}{0}{4}{4}

Ok, so by now, I'm pretty sure tex4ht doesn't like \abx@aux@backref.

So, I search first for the macro \abx@aux@page - and it turns out it is present in biblatex.4ht file (from tex4ht); a snippet looks like:

% ...
% ...

... but it also appears in biblatex.sty (from biblatex).

Then I search for \abx@aux@backref - and, as suspected - this one is defined in biblatex.sty, but not in biblatex.4ht; which is probably the reason why it crashes.

Now, \abx@aux@backref contains an @, meaning I'd have to define it in between \makeatletter/\makeatother - somewhere in the preamble after both biblatex and tex4ht are loaded. However, often times in similar cases I just do \let\abx@aux@backref\relax - but, that will not work here, because the original command always has five arguments.

So, after another search through biblatex.sty, I find: "\protected\def\blx@aux@backref#1#2#3#4#5{..." - and while that is not the same command, it is certainly to related to something @aux@backref ... So, in the end I put this in my preamble:


... and now the htlatex, biber, htlatex combo seems to pass for me?!


Well, not sure how right I am about all this - but certainly hope it helps,