[Tex/LaTex] Incompatibilities between KOMA-Script and titlesec


This is a complementary question to About memoir and titlesec incompatibility. The titlesec manual states (p. 2) that the package

[…] works with the standard classes and with many others, including
the AMS ones […] Unfortunately, it is not compatible with

The manual does not mention the KOMA-Script classes. So, can titlesec and KOMA-Script be used together without problems, or are there some incompatibilities (or at least situations where special care must be taken)?

Best Answer

I've never used this combination myself, but a search with your favorite engine should show you that there are some incompatibilities, e.g. (all in German):

See this answer of mine for an additional observed incompatibility: Can't shift/position \chapter with titlesec?.

Update in beginning of 2014

With recently published version 3.12 of KOMA-Script one will get a warning when compiling a document with titlesec:

Class scrartcl Warning: Usage of package `titlesec' together
(scrartcl)              with a KOMA-Script class is not recommended.
(scrartcl)              I'd suggest to use the package only
(scrartcl)              if you really need it, because it breaks several
(scrartcl)              KOMA-Script features, i.e., option `headings' and
(scrartcl)              the extended optional argument of the section
(scrartcl)              commands .