[Tex/LaTex] What packages are incompatible with KOMA-Script


Triggered by the question why should I not use the koma script classes results practically necessarily a consequence question: What packages are incompatible with KOMA-Script?

KOMA-Script offers scrhack (see documentation in KOMA-Script manual, chapter 16) to fix certain well-known problems with the packages:

  • hyperref (The hyperref hack in scrhack is only for very, very old versions of hyperref and does nothing for the current hyperref release),
  • float,
  • floatrow,
  • setspace (in older versions corrections took place, in the current version no corrections are needed),
  • listings and
  • nomencl: The current version (year 2017) of scrhack provides a hack for nomencl that not only increases nomencl's compatibility with KOMA-Script classes but also provides several new features (all from package tocbasic) for nomencl, e.g., automatic running heads or numbered heading. AFAIK this can be used not only in combination with KOMA-Script classes but also in combination with standard classes.

In the question incompatibilities between babelfrench and koma script classes? special problems of \usepackage[french][babel] are reported.

Which packages do you know having problems with KOMA-Script?

Best Answer

Markus Kohm, the author of KOMA-Script (see his initials), utters about this frequently, but unluckily for TeX.SE usually in German.

Also I would prefer to say, some packages are not fully compatible instead of they are incompatible, because in most cases they work partially and often there’s a workaround.

  • Every package, that makes a redefinition of titling and heading, is potentially not fully compatible. A well-known example is titlesec, where here on TeX.SE we have already a related question: Incompatibilities between KOMA-Script and titlesec.

  • Also packages with a heavy redefinition of footnote related stuff are potentially not fully compatible. I myself noticed, that footnotebackref only works with an active symbol (the footnote number is not turned into an active link, confer package manual).
    By the way: This works fine:

    \usepackage[symbol=${}^{\scriptscriptstyle\uparrow}$]{footnotebackref}% needs "hyperref"
  • The caption package is according to its package documentation not fully compatible. But actually this was quite more serious in older versions both of caption and KOMA-Script (see also comment below of caption author Axel Sommerfeldt).

  • Package minitoc changes \@sect and so breaks quite a number of KOMA-adaptions to section.

  • Packages tocloft, titletoc and tocbibind also are not fully compatible with KOMA-script.

As old scrpage2 or new scrlayer-scrpage is part of KOMA-Script (but is a package and can be used with other classes!):

  • Package xwatermark relies on fancyhdr, so with scrpage2/scrlayer-scrpage you will get error messages.

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