[Tex/LaTex] Include logo in thesis using \maketitle


I'm writing my thesis using a custom made class, namely ecsthesis.cls (available here https://www.sharelatex.com/templates/thesis/university-of-southampton-thesis/). I want to include the university logo in order to have something like enter image description here

I'm using \maketitle to make the frontpage which from the .cls should be

  \btypeout{Title Page}
    \let \footnote \thanks
    \vskip 60\p@
      {\normalsize \FACNAME \par}
      {\normalsize \deptname \par}
  {\large \bf \@title \par}
      {\Large by \par}
      {\large \textbf{\authornames} \par}
      {\large Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy\par}

      {\large \@date \par}

How can I redefine it in order to include the logo?

Here is my MWE

\documentclass[twoside]{ecsthesis}      % Use the Thesis Style
\graphicspath{{../Figures/}}   % Location of your graphics files
\usepackage[sort &compress]{natbib}  % Use Natbib style for the refs.\part{title}




%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
\title      {Three years wasted}

\authors    {\texorpdfstring
             {\href{ciao@ecs.soton.ac.uk}{Mickey Mouse}}
             {Mickey Mouse}
\department  {}
\group       {}
\addresses  {\groupname\\\deptname\\\univname}
\date       {\today}
\subject    {}
\keywords   {}




%% -----------------------
%% lstpatch.sty
%% -----------------------
%% lstpatch cannot be distributed with these files. I believe it is only needed if the
%% \lstlistoflistings is used. So this has been turned off by default. Re-add if required:
%% \usepackage{lstpatch}
%% \lstlistoflistings
%% You will need to download lstpatch, possibly from:
%% http://web.mit.edu/texsrc/source/latex/listings/lstpatch.sty
%% -----------------------
% -----------------------
% Authorship declaration
% -----------------------
% Either include citations like below (as many as required spaced with commas or 'and').
% Or state no citations like below
% \authorshipdeclaration{}





Best Answer

I could not find the proper ecsthesis.cls. Hence my tests may not be reliable. However, the following may be helpful:

  \btypeout{Title Page}
    \let \footnote \thanks
    \vskip 60\p@
      {\large\textbf{\UNIVNAME}\\[2em]               %% change 2em as needed
       \includegraphics[width=2cm]{logo}\par}        %% note includegraphics, logo is the file name of logo    
      {\normalsize \FACNAME \par}
      {\normalsize \deptname \par}
  {\large \bf \@title \par}
      {\Large by \par}
      {\large \textbf{\authornames} \par}
      {\large Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy\par}

      {\large \@date \par}

You may have to adjust the spacings properly.

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