[Tex/LaTex] In beamer, figure and table side by side


I have 6 figures and 1 table.
I plan to arrange them as follows,
in the first line, there are 4 figures side by side.
in the second line, there are [figure figure table].


\begin{figure} % "[t!]" placement specifier just for this example




   per iteration (s)                      &\vtop{\hbox{\strut Dimensionality}\hbox{\strut Reduction}}   & Linear SVM  &Kernel SVM  \\\midrule
FISTA   &  $5$         &  $21$ & $ 0.1052$ \\\bottomrule
\end{tabularx}\vspace{-0.3cm}\caption{Running time}\label{tab rt}



Best Answer

Here's one option using minipages:



header1 & header2 \\
text & text \\
text & text \\



enter image description here

If subcaptions are required for the subfigures, you can load the subfig package with the caption=false option and use its \subfloat command:




\subfloat[the first subfigure]{\includegraphics[width=.475\linewidth]{example-image-a}}~%
\subfloat[the second subfigure]{\includegraphics[width=.475\linewidth]{example-image-a}}
\subfloat[the third subfigure]{\includegraphics[width=.475\linewidth]{example-image-a}}~%
\subfloat[the fourth subfigure]{\includegraphics[width=.475\linewidth]{example-image-a}}
\subfloat[the fifth subfigure]{\includegraphics[width=.475\linewidth]{example-image-b}}~%
\subfloat[the sixth subfigure]{\includegraphics[width=.475\linewidth]{example-image-b}}
header1 & header2 \\
text & text \\
text & text \\



enter image description here