Pgfplots – How to Import Selected Rows Without Header in Pgfplots


Import of selected rows of a data set (without header line)

The import should make use of the column numbers instead of row headers. The pgfplots' manual presents the possibility to use the command \thisrowno{} that takes a number in $\mathbbm{N}_0$.

Similar MWE that works fine

The following example works (without error message) but is not what is intended:

aasd dasdf basdf casdf
1 4 5 1
2 3 1 5
3 5 6 1
4 1 4 9

    table [x=aasd, y=casdf, col sep=space] {data.dat};
\addplot[color=red, mark=none] 
    table [x=aasd, y=basdf, col sep=space] {data.dat};

enter image description here

Best Answer

The difference to the MWE in the question is that \thisrow{} or \thisrowno{} need a different argument in the table's options, i.e. instead of

    table [x=aasd, y=casdf, col sep=space] {data.dat};

the following command shows the identical result

    table [x expr=\thisrow{aasd}, y expr=\thisrow{casdf}, col sep=space] {data.dat};

or with row numbers (without header line):

1 4 5 1
2 3 1 5
3 5 6 1
4 1 4 9

    table [x expr=\thisrowno{0}, y expr=\thisrowno{3}, col sep=space] {data.dat};
    table [x expr=\thisrowno{0}, y expr=\thisrowno{2}, col sep=space] {data.dat};