Beamer Poster – Image Caption and Cross Referencing Techniques


In my beamer poster, I like to give caption for images and cross reference that in writing like my thesis ("Figure 2.1: Text" like this)

enter image description here.

But when I use the following code, I found ("Figure: Text" Like this)

enter image description here

and in the cross reference position shows "Fig.1".
-I like to write the caption like "Figure A: Text" and in writing cross reference it like "(Fig. A)". Is it possible to do?

\documentclass[final, 12pt]{beamer}

    \def\insertblocktitle{ \centering#2\par}%
    \usebeamertemplate{block begin}}
    \usebeamertemplate{block end}%



\begin{varblock}[28cm]{\textbf{Location B}}
\ref{LB} shows...


Best Answer

Set the caption template to be numbered and then you can cross-reference your figure:


Your code:

\documentclass[final, 12pt]{beamer}


    \def\insertblocktitle{ \centering#2\par}%
    \usebeamertemplate{block begin}}
    \usebeamertemplate{block end}%



\begin{varblock}[28cm]{\textbf{Location B}}
Figure~\ref{LB} shows...
