[Tex/LaTex] How to set text height in a textblock using textpos in Beamer


I'm using the textpos package with Beamer in order to put some text at the bottom right corner of a slide.
Despite having read the package instructions, I fail to understand how to set the text height of the textblock.
The relative instructions say:

There is an alternative, starred, form of the {textblock} environment. In the
argument to the {textblock*} environment, the block width, and the block position
(but not the specification of the block reference point) are given as absolute
dimensions, rather than as numbers in units of the horizontal and vertical modules.


produces a textblock of the given size, where this time hhsizei, hhposi and hvposi
are absolute dimensions, but hhoi and hvoi are still pure-number offsets (that is,
fractions of the width and height of the textblock), as above.

Each {textblock} environment takes up zero space on the page (which means,
by the way, that it cannot detect that it’s overprinting or being overprinted), so
you can (and typically will) use several of the environments in a row to scatter
text all over the page.

The package is compatible with the calc package, so that you may use calc-style
expressions when specifying lengths. Thus

text. . .

Note that you can only use calc-style expressions where you would specify a length
with units, such as the width and location arguments of {textblock*} or the
arguments to \textblockorigin – you can’t use them when specifying a length
in units of the horizontal and vertical modules, such as in the width and location
arguments to the (unstarred) {textblock} environment.

However, I have to admit I don't fully understand these instructions.
I would like thte text in the textblock to be a bit smaller than the normal text.

Here is a mwe:



\setbeameroption{hide notes}
\setbeamertemplate{note page}[plain]



    \raggedleft #1\hspace{.5em}

Plops plops plops


Thanks a lot for your help!

Best Answer

I have somewhat solved the problem by adding a size tag on an individual \FramText (but I know there is a way to generalize the text size in the settings of \newcommand\FrameText) :



\setbeameroption{hide notes}
\setbeamertemplate{note page}[plain]



    \raggedleft #1\hspace{.5em}

Plops plops plops
\FrameText{\footnotesize Textblock}
