[Tex/LaTex] I’m not getting the commas in the Bibliography!


I'm managing my references with JabRef.

These are the references I'm referring to:

  author = {Deryugina E. I., Bourdon M. A., Reisfeld R. A. \&Strongin A.},
  title = {Remodeling of collagen matrix by human tumor cells requires activation
    and cell surface association of matrix metalloproteinase-2.},
  journal = {Cancer Res.},
  year = {1998},
  volume = {58},
  pages = {3743–3750},
  owner = {Giovanni},
  timestamp = {2013.06.21}

  author = {Fey P., Stephens S., Titus M. A. \& Chisholm R. L. Sad A.},
  title = {A novel adhesion receptor in Dictyostelium.},
  journal = {J. Cell Biol.},
  year = {2002},
  volume = {159},
  pages = {1109–1119},
  owner = {Giovanni},
  timestamp = {2013.06.21}

The Tex file is as follows:



Here is an example \cite{Deryugina1998} \\
What about this one \cite{Fey2002}



Instead of a comma, I get an space on the authors' names in the Bibliography.

What should I change?

Thank you in advanced for your replies!

Best Answer

The comma in author names for BibTeX are reserved to write names as Lastname, Firstname. Different authors are separated with "and".

While you can write Firstname Lastname (no comma), it is sometimes necessary to use the other form: when the last name contains several tokens as in Per Brinch Hansen. BibTex would think that Brinch is a first name, therefore you have to write it as Brinch Hansen, Per. The comma is also needed to separate a Jr part. Because of all this it would be too hard to parse a string of several authors with comma also being a separator for different names, hence the usage of "and".