[Tex/LaTex] Citing a Reprint of an Article in BibTeX


How do I cite a reprint of a given article? I want to cite the postscript of Lewis's Counterpart Theory & QML which only appears in his Philosophical Paper vol. 1. I have the info in my bibtex entry, but how do I get it to show up in my bibliography?

Here is the entry:

Author = {David Lewis},
Date-Modified = {2007-03-24 18:24:14 -0400},
Journal = {Journal of Philosophy},
Pages = {113--26},
Reprintedin = {LewisPP1},
Reprintpages = {26--46},
Title = {Counterpart Theory and Quantified Modal Logic},
Volume = {65},
Year = {1968}}

But when I call it via \citep{LewisCTQML} it drops the reprint info from my references and only displays Author, Journal, Pages, Title, Volume, and Year.

Is this something that is an easy fix? Do I just need to create a new entry for the reprint?

Running TeXShop on Mac OS X 10.7.4, BibTeX with natbib, BibDesk to manage my .bib, and the phil_review.bst from http://tedsider.org/latex/phil_review.bst

Best Answer

A fast solution could be to add

note={reprinted in LewisPP1, pages 26--46} 

in your article entry. With a little pretty printing you get:

  Author        = {David Lewis},
  Date-Modified = {2007-03-24 18:24:14 -0400},
  Journal       = {Journal of Philosophy},
  Pages         = {113--26},
  Reprintedin   = {LewisPP1},
  Reprintpages  = {26--46},
  Title         = {Counterpart Theory and Quantified Modal Logic},
  Volume        = {65},
  Year          = {1968},
  note          = {reprinted in LewisPP1, pages 26--46}, 
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