[Tex/LaTex] I’m getting the error “Undefined control sequence”


I am getting the error "undefined control sequence" on running the MWE given below. Please help me sort it out….

    \caption{Optimized Parameter Values}
          \multicolumn{7}{}{} \\ \hline
        Type of Controller & Parameter & Xmax & Xmin & Iter. reqd. for  
                convergence & Optimized value & $Wmin$ \\ \hline
        \multirow{6}{*}{PSO-SOSMC} & $c_1$ & 5 & 0.1 & 37 & 4.75& 68.43 \\   
         & $c_2$ & 5 & 0.1 & 10 & 4.273& 20.45 \\ \cline{2-7}
         & $\lambda_1 $& 5 & 0.1 & 37 & 2.75 & 68.43\\ \cline{2-7}
         & $\lambda_2 $& 5 & 0.1 & 10 & 3.59 & 20.45\\ \cline{2-7}
         & $W_1 $& 1 & 0.05 & 37 & 0.43 & 68.45\\ \cline{2-7}
         & $W_2 $& 1 & 0.05 & 10 & 0.218 & 20.43\\ \hline
          \multirow{4}{*}{PSO-BELBIC} & $W_1$ & 5 & 0.1 & 36 & 4.5 &   
           27.34 \\ \cline{2-7}
         & $W_2$ & 5 & 0.1 & 14 & 4.5 & 61.63 \\ \cline{2-7}
         & $G_1$ & 5 & 0.1 & 36 & 1.4 & 27.34 \\ \cline{2-7}
         & $G_2$ & 5 & 0.1 & 14 & 1.4 & 61.63\\ \hline

Best Answer

scalebox is defined by package graphicx, but you don't even need it. I would suppose a different approach to tables, though. Keep it simple.


%\usepackage{graphicx}  %unneeded
\usepackage{multirow}  %unneeded    
%\usepackage{multicol}  %unneeded
    \caption{Optimized Parameter Values}
        Type of Controller & Parameter    & Xmax & Xmin & \raggedright Iter. reqd. for convergence & Optimized value & $W_\mathrm{min}$ \\ \midrule
            PSO-SOSMC        & $c_1$        & 5    & 0.1  & 37                                       & 4.75            & 68.43 \\
                             & $c_2$        & 5    & 0.1  & 10                                       & 4.273           & 20.45 \\
                             & $\lambda_1 $ & 5    & 0.1  & 37                                       & 2.75            & 68.43\\
                             & $\lambda_2 $ & 5    & 0.1  & 10                                       & 3.59            & 20.45\\
                             & $W_1 $       & 1    & 0.05 & 37                                       & 0.43            & 68.45\\
                             & $W_2 $       & 1    & 0.05 & 10                                       & 0.218           & 20.43\\ \cmidrule(lr){2-7}
            PSO-BELBIC       & $W_1$        & 5    & 0.1  & 36                                       & 4.5             & 27.34 \\
                             & $W_2$        & 5    & 0.1  & 14                                       & 4.5             & 61.63 \\
                             & $G_1$        & 5    & 0.1  & 36                                       & 1.4             & 27.34 \\
                             & $G_2$        & 5    & 0.1  & 14                                       & 1.4             & 61.63\\ \bottomrule

%   \scalebox{1}
%   {
            \multicolumn{7}{}{} \\ \hline
            Type of Controller & Parameter & Xmax & Xmin & Iter. reqd. for convergence & Optimized value & $Wmin$ \\ \hline
            \multirow{6}{*}{PSO-SOSMC} & $c_1$ & 5 & 0.1 & 37 & 4.75& 68.43 \\ \cline{2-7}
            & $c_2$ & 5 & 0.1 & 10 & 4.273& 20.45 \\ \cline{2-7}
            & $\lambda_1 $& 5 & 0.1 & 37 & 2.75 & 68.43\\ \cline{2-7}
            & $\lambda_2 $& 5 & 0.1 & 10 & 3.59 & 20.45\\ \cline{2-7}
            & $W_1 $& 1 & 0.05 & 37 & 0.43 & 68.45\\ \cline{2-7}
            & $W_2 $& 1 & 0.05 & 10 & 0.218 & 20.43\\ \hline
            \multirow{4}{*}{PSO-BELBIC} & $W_1$ & 5 & 0.1 & 36 & 4.5 & 27.34 \\ \cline{2-7}
            & $W_2$ & 5 & 0.1 & 14 & 4.5 & 61.63 \\ \cline{2-7}
            & $G_1$ & 5 & 0.1 & 36 & 1.4 & 27.34 \\ \cline{2-7}
            & $G_2$ & 5 & 0.1 & 14 & 1.4 & 61.63\\ \hline
%   }