[Tex/LaTex] LaTeX gives error undefined control sequence table


\hyphenation{Smart Grid}
\usepackage{color} %for colors
\usepackage{float} %for fix the image position
\usepackage{amsmath} %% for case bracket
\usepackage{multirow} %  for devide row
%\usepackage{subcaption} % forr subfigures
\pagenumbering{gobble} %%% for without page numbers
\centering \small
\caption{Comprehension of recent and relevant work.} \label{litrature}
\centering{\bf Methodologies } & \centering{\bf Features}&\centering{\bf Targets Achieved}&\bf{Limitations and Remarks} \\
        %\hline Optimal power scheduling method for DR in HEMS is presented in \cite{9} & GA & Cost and PAR reduction & Increased system complexity \\
 MILP& Optimal domestic load scheduling \cite{35} & Electricity cost reduction & The cost is reduced at expense of user discomfort\\
      \midrule Greedy algorithm& Heuristic optimization of generic cost model \cite{6} & Reduced user frustration and electricity cost & The PAR is ignored and complexity of the system is increased \\

        \midrule GWO and ILP &GWO applied to economic load dispatch problems \cite{3}& Load dispatching in off-peak hours & Solved economic load dispatch (ELD) problems in the current study \\  \bottomrule

Best Answer

You need to define the C column. I took the definition from here.

\usepackage{float} %for fix the image position
\usepackage{amsmath} %% for case bracket
\pagenumbering{gobble} %%% for without page numbers
% from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/175138/121799
\centering \small
\caption{Comprehension of recent and relevant work.} \label{litrature}
\textbf{Methodologies } & \textbf{Features}&\textbf{Targets Achieved}&\bf{Limitations and Remarks} \\
        %\hline Optimal power scheduling method for DR in HEMS is presented in \cite{9} & GA & Cost and PAR reduction & Increased system complexity \\
 MILP& Optimal domestic load scheduling \cite{35} & Electricity cost reduction & The cost is reduced at expense of user discomfort\\
 Greedy algorithm& Heuristic optimization of generic cost model \cite{6} & Reduced user frustration and electricity cost & The PAR is ignored and complexity of the system is increased \\
 GWO and ILP &GWO applied to economic load dispatch problems \cite{3}& Load dispatching in off-peak hours & Solved economic load dispatch (ELD) problems in the current study \\  \bottomrule

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