[Tex/LaTex] If two columns LaTeX


I am writing a paper in LaTeX. I will need both the one-column and two-column versions of the paper. For this, the figure sizes/configurations need to be different in the two documents. I am looking for a command like \iftwocolumn! Do you know if it exists and if not how can I define and use it?

I would need something like:


Best Answer

\linewidth or \columnwidth should work, since a non-twocolumn document technically consists of a single column (of width \columnwidth).

However, if you're using the traditional twocolumn mode of (say) article, the condition \if@twocolumn is available for testing/branching.

Here's a short example showing the difference:

\usepackage{graphicx,showframe}% http://ctan.org/pkg/{graphicx,showframe}
\else% \@twocolumnfalse

Note that you require the use of a \makeatletter...\makeatother pair, since the command definition of the conditional contains @. See What do \makeatletter and \makeatother do?

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