[Tex/LaTex] IEEEtran setting for 10-point type, 12-point vertical spacing

fontsizeieeetranjournal-publishingvertical alignment

I am going to submit a journal paper that requires the following page formating:

  • 14 double column, 12 pt pages
  • double column page is defined as a 7.875" x 10.75" page with 10-point type, 12-point vertical spacing

Does it mean that I have to use \documentclass[10pt,journal]{IEEEtran} or I have to use \documentclass[12pt,journal]{IEEEtran} ?

Sorry, I have got confused here…

Best Answer

"10-point type, 12-point vertical spacing" may be achieved by passing the option 10pt to the \documentclass instruction. For the specific document class of interest, you'd write:


I must confess I don't fully understand the expression "14 double column, 12 pt pages".