[Tex/LaTex] Idea-lamp box in beamer


I was think of making a new block (or not necessarily a beamer block) that will have the shape of a lamp, just to illustrate a new idea.

Inside this lamp, there will problably be text, that will explain the idea.

Is there a way to do that in tikz?

Are there any other ideas available on illustrating an idea in beamer?

enter image description here

Best Answer

I saved your image as idea.png (any bulb image will do) and then I inset text over it, using the specified size of the idea to determine the vertical and horizontal offsets, as well as the width of the \parbox inset.

\idea[1.7in]{This is my idea!}

\idea[4in]{\LARGE This is also my idea!}

\idea[4in]{\small This is an idea that takes a lot of words to explain and so
  I must use a smaller font!}

enter image description here

Doing it in beamer is no problem, though a few defaults and offsets might want to be changed, to match the default sans serif font:

\idea[1.7in]{\small This is my idea!}
\idea[2.2in]{This is also my idea!}
\idea[3.5in]{\small This is an idea that takes a lot of words to explain and so
  I must use a smaller font!}