[Tex/LaTex] How to create a filled colored box in Beamer


I'm creating a presentation with Beamer, and I want to include a text that will be inside a filled colored box. At first I thought creating the filled colored box using TikZ, and I have the following:




    \node[preaction={fill=cyan,fill opacity=0.5},rounded corners=1ex,font=\fontsize{12pt}{12pt}\itshape] {This is a \textcolor{blue}{\textbf{very}}, \textcolor{red}{\textbf{long}} and \textcolor{blue}{\textbf{stupid}} \\line of text without purpose};


The problem is that because my sentence is kind of long, I wanted to put half of in the new line using \\, but it gives me an error. Any idea how to circumvent the problem, or create what I want in another way?

Best Answer

The 'shortest' example to show the basic usage of beamercolorbox.

Please note that there are 'better/nicer' boxes such as beamerboxrounded or tcolorbox package to produce such setup.



enter image description here