[Tex/LaTex] I cannot get a (properly) underlined hyperlink in blue


First I just ignored the hyperref package and just wanted something that 'looked' like a link:

\underline{\color{Blue} http://soundcloud.com}

but I end up getting an underline about 3mm below the link, which looks extremely ugly. After loading hyperref, I messed about with the variables but there is no underline feature. The best I could do was get it in blue:


Question: Can I get a blue, underlined link so that the line is directly underneath the text (with or without an actual hotlink)?

Best Answer

If you don't use hyperref:






If you use hyperref, you may want to click on the URLs:

%% or
% \hypersetup{colorlinks=false,pdfborder=000}

% hack into hyperref


