[Tex/LaTex] hyperref URL using BibTeX


I am trying to hyperrefan URL using class scrartcl, Bibtex, package natbib and bibliography style authordate1. The paper is characterised as @article in the .bibfile and as the URL entry is not used in @article I inserted it into the entry note. This works all fine but I would like to be able to click onto the URL and be led to the place in the internet. How can this be done?
Furthermore, is it possible to hide the ugly URL behind a clickable hyperref, e.g. the DOI behind the journal abbreviation and the ADS (Astrophysics Data System) behind the paper pages?

.bib entry:

% This file was created with JabRef 2.10.
% Encoding: UTF8

Title                    = {Properties of the Distant Kuiper Belt: Results from the Palomar Distant Solar System Survey},
Author                   = {(Megan E.) Schwamb and (Michael E.) Brown and (David L.) Rabinowitz and Darin Ragozzine},
Journal                  = {The Astrophysical Journal},
Year                     = {2010},

Month                    = {September},
Note                     = {{\url{http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2010ApJ...720.1691S}}},
Number                   = {2},
Pages                    = {1691},
Volume                   = {720},

Doi                      = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0004-637X/720/2/1691},
Timestamp                = {2014.09.21},
Url                      = {http://m.iopscience.iop.org/0004-637X/720/2/1691/pdf/0004-637X_720_2_1691.pdf}

Best Answer

You ask:

This works all fine but I would like to be able to click onto the URL and be led to the place in the internet. How can this be done?

It looks like you have one too many pairs of curly braces encasing the contents of the note field. Instead of writing

Note = {{\url{http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2010ApJ...720.1691S}}},

you should write

Note = {\url{http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2010ApJ...720.1691S}},

enter image description here

Incidentally, why do you surround the first names and middle initials of the first three authors -- but not the first name of the fourth author -- with round parentheses?

Title                    = {Properties of the Distant Kuiper Belt: Results from the Palomar Distant Solar System Survey},
Author                   = {(Megan E.) Schwamb and (Michael E.) Brown and (David L.) Rabinowitz and Darin Ragozzine},
Journal                  = {The Astrophysical Journal},
Year                     = {2010},

Month                    = {September},
Note                     = {\url{http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2010ApJ...720.1691S}},
Number                   = {2},
Pages                    = {1691},
Volume                   = {720},

Doi                      = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0004-637X/720/2/1691},
Timestamp                = {2014.09.21},
Url                      = {http://m.iopscience.iop.org/0004-637X/720/2/1691/pdf/0004-637X_720_2_1691.pdf}

You also asked:

Furthermore, is it possible to hide the ugly URL behind a clickable hyperref, e.g. the DOI behind the journal abbreviation and the ADS (Astrophysics Data System) behind the paper pages?

This can also be done (though I'm not sure how advisable it is do so...). Just replace the original contents of the journal and pages fields with {\href{...}{original content}. E.g.,

Journal = {\href{http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0004-637X/720/2/1691}{The Astrophysical Journal}},


Pages = {\href{http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2010ApJ...720.1691S}{1691}},

Doing so will generate the following output:

enter image description here

Title                    = {Properties of the Distant Kuiper Belt: Results from the Palomar Distant Solar System Survey},
Author                   = {Megan E. Schwamb and Michael E. Brown and David L. Rabinowitz and Darin Ragozzine},
Journal                  = {\href{http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0004-637X/720/2/1691}{The Astrophysical Journal}},
Year                     = {2010},
Month                    = {September},
Number                   = {2},
Pages                    = {\href{http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2010ApJ...720.1691S}{1691}},
Volume                   = {720},
Timestamp                = {2014.09.21},