Macros – How to Write (La)TeX with Parentheses and Other TeX Logos


I'm looking after a macro to write the (La)TeX logo (with parentheses), i.e. something similar to \TeX, \LaTeX, but where the output includes ()'s.

Best Answer

\usepackage{dtk-logos}% or use package holog

\XeTeX    \\ \XeLaTeX  \\
\AmS      \\ \AmSLaTeX \\
\AMSLaTeX \\ \AmSTeX   \\
\AMSTEX   \\ \AMSTeX   \\
\BibTeX   \\ \LAMSTeX  \\
\LamSTeX  \\ \La       \\
\LaTeX    \\ \LaTeXTeX \\
\MF       \\ \MFun     \\
\MP       \\ \SLITEX   \\
\MakeIndex\\ \emTeX    \\
\PubliCTeX\\ \TeXXeT   \\
\TeXeT    \\ \WinEdt   \\
\LyX      \\ \exTeX    \\
\LaTeXe   \\ \PS       \\
\PiC      \\ \PiCTeX   \\
\NTS      \\ \eTeX     \\
\ExTeX    \\ \DANTE    \\
\ConTeXt  \\ \MiKTeX   


enter image description here

Just saw, that I have a bug for METAFUN ...

Here a second image which shows the commands and output side by side to make them easier to find. (Added by Martin Scharrer)

enter image description here