Tables – How to Vertically-Center Text in Table Cells in LaTeX

tablesvertical alignment

I have a simple table as follows:

    \caption{The factors the camera solver depends on to evaluate the rules.}

How is it possible to vertically-center the text of the cells?

Best Answer

Edit: The existence of this new answer has made my answer now obsolete and embarrassing. Please proceed to the new answer and vote it up.

enter image description here






        |A{#1}{1.5}% for figure
        |>{\centering$\displaystyle}A{#2}{1}<{$}% for inline equation
        |>{\correction{-1}\strut\[}A{#3}{1}<{\]\strut}% for displayed equation
        |>{\centering}A{#4}{1.5}% for text

    It is practically a big lie that \LaTeX\ 
    makes you focus on the content without
    bothering about the layout.}

    \int_a^b f(x)\, \textrm{d}x=\frac{b-a}{b+a}&



\x & \x & \multicolumn{2}{A{0.55}{1.5}|}{\x} \tabularnewline\hline
\multicolumn{2}{|A{0.45}{1.5}|}{\x} & \x & \x\tabularnewline\hline 
\x & \multicolumn{2}{A{0.5}{1}|}{\x} & \x\tabularnewline\hline 