[Tex/LaTex] How to use the semibold font Latin Modern Roman Demi


I have my document ready to print, except the title. Regarding purely personal and aesthetic taste, I want it with serif with lmodern font, and a bit bold.

However, for my taste, using \normalfont is not bold enough, while \bfseries is too bold for me.

Question: is there a way to print it semibold?

P.-S.: (This question was originally asked using the "middle-bold" keyword.)

    Not bold enough 

    {\bfseries Too bold}


Best Answer

There is no semibold version but you could scale up a smaller font size (the code I use is okay for a short portion like a title but not suitable for longer text!): \scalebox and resizebox of the graphicx package can be used too. It is up to you to decide if this looks pleasing ...


\font\testa=ec-lmr10 at 25pt
{\testa A bit Bold}

\font\testb=ec-lmr5 at 25pt
{\testb A bit Bold}

Not Bold

enter image description here