[Tex/LaTex] How to use the geometry package with newlfm documents


I am using the newlfm letter documentclass, and try loading the geometry package. This returns the following error:

! LaTeX Error: Command \geometry already defined.

What I want to do is put more space (margin) between the text and the top of the page. A MWE is provided below:

\usepackage[margin=0mm, top=2mm]{geometry}

\begin{letter}{Recipient Company\\ Recipient Address}

\opening{Dear Sir or Madam,}

Here goes the letter content


What am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

The command \geometry, it seems, is already defined by the class newflm. If you do not want that default page setting put


just below \documentclass{newlfm}

Your file becomes:

\usepackage[margin=0mm, top=2mm]{geometry}

\begin{letter}{Recipient Company\\ Recipient Address}

\opening{Dear Sir or Madam,}

Here goes the letter content


Update Ignoring the commands defined by the document class will certainly cause trouble at some point of time (Agreeing with @Mico). Hence it is always better to use these commands. This MWE shows how to play with different margins using the built-in commands of the newlfm class itself.

%% to change margins-----------------------
\usepackage{lipsum} %% to add dummy text
\nameto{George Bush} \addrto{\parbox{2in}{The White House \\ Washington, DC}}
\namefrom{Paul Thompson} \addrfrom{\parbox{2in}{The Pink House \\ Belleville, IL}}
\closeline{Sincerely yours,} \greetto{Dear Mr. Bush,}
How are the azaleas?


For more details one may run texdoc newlfm from from the command prompt and the details of these lengths can be found in page 8 of the manual. I am attaching a screen shot of the same.

enter image description here