[Tex/LaTex] Convert MS word margins into geometry package margins


I would like to convert the following margins that I have found in my MS word document to geometry package.

Top: 2.38cm Bottom: 2.38cm Inside: 2.29cm Outside: 1.52cm

Gutter: 0cm

Here is MWE:



The main issue here is that createspace is complaining that the gutter is insufficient and should be atleast .75". The margins that I have provided are from their word template but when I submit it for review I get an insufficient gutter margin error that states I need gutter margin of atleast .75in and inside, top, bottom, outer, margins of atleast .25in. Does my code follow those specifications?


Here is an image from createspace's interior file reviewer. You can see that the page is coming out the dotted lines. On the left you can see the errors that have shown up. This image includes the answer that was suggested by @DL6ER enter image description here.


I already have had my book approved for a book proof and have already recevied the proof. The only reason, I want to change the margins is because the margins I used to get the book approved were odd. The text was too close to the gutter. Here is the code that I used, maybe, someone can manipulate it so the text isn't so close to the gutter and the outside margin isn't so large.

\geometry{ paperheight=8.00in, top=.75in, bottom=.75in, paperwidth=5.25in, inner=.38in, outer=.75in, bindingoffset=.75in, }

Here is image of it on createspace. Aside from the showframe, the dimensions are fine (according to createspace). The main issue that I am having is that outside margin (the one indicated by the arrow) is too in so if that could be stretched then that would be perfect or even if the entire text could be centred then that would be fine also.

enter image description here


I have contacted Createspace and they have informed that only the first 18 pages of my document are a little bit outside of the required amount, the rest of the book is perfect. I have reviewed the other pages as well and that seems to be exactly the case. My Introduction is the only portion of the book that is outside the margins, otherwise, the rest of the book is fine. What could be the issue?

Best Answer

After several comments the problem seems to be rather on the side of createspace. There is a package available on github, that was made for creating books with LaTeX for publishing on createspace. Hopefully this helps: https://github.com/aginiewicz/createspace/blob/master/createspace.sty

Reading the package contents is seems like


is better than all the geometry-stuff. Page size will be calculated automatically. In addition you might also want to play with the additional options trim and bleed.

Making the borders visible

Add showframe when you are loading the package geometry, then you can see for yourself:


This picture shows your settings on a A4-page: enter image description here

As you can see, the marginpar is leaking outside of your original dimensions, to remove it, add marginpar=0cm in your geometry-settings.

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