[Tex/LaTex] How to use procedure in latex algorithm


    %%%% ijcai21.tex

\typeout{IJCAI--21 Instructions for Authors}

% These are the instructions for authors for IJCAI-21.

% The file ijcai21.sty is NOT the same than previous years'

% Use the postscript times font!


/TemplateVersion (IJCAI.2021.0)

\title{IJCAI--21 Formatting Instructions}

% Single author syntax



\caption{Example algorithm}
\textbf{Input}: Your algorithm's input\\
\textbf{Parameter}: Optional list of parameters\\
\textbf{Output}: Your algorithm's output
\begin{algorithmic}[1] %[1] enables line numbers
\STATE Let $t=0$.
\STATE Do some action.
\IF {conditional}
\STATE Perform task A.
\STATE Perform task B.
\STATE \textbf{return} solution


All I want to use the procedure contains input and the three statements.

Best Answer

If you want/have to use the algorithmic package, you have to define the procedure statement yourself. Put the following code into your preamble.

\newcommand{\algorithmicendprocedure}{\algorithmicend\ \algorithmicprocedure}
  \algorithmicprocedure\ \textsc{#2}(#3)%

Use it as follows:

\PROCEDURE[optional comment]{proc name}{arguments}

If you use the algpseudocode package (which is based on the algorithmicx package), procedures are predefined.

Package "algorithmic"

enter image description here

\newcommand{\algorithmicendprocedure}{\algorithmicend\ \algorithmicprocedure}
  \algorithmicprocedure\ \textsc{#2}(#3)%
\textbf{Input}: Your algorithm's input\\
\textbf{Parameter}: Optional list of parameters\\
\textbf{Output}: Your algorithm's output
\begin{algorithmic}[1] %[1] enables line numbers
\PROCEDURE[some comment]{MyProc}{$a,b\colon \mathrm{int}$}
\STATE Let $t=0$.
\STATE Do some action.
\IF {conditional}
\STATE Perform task A.
\STATE Perform task B.
\STATE \textbf{return} solution

Package "algpseudocode"

enter image description here

\textbf{Input}: Your algorithm's input\\
\textbf{Parameter}: Optional list of parameters\\
\textbf{Output}: Your algorithm's output
\begin{algorithmic}[1] %[1] enables line numbers
\Procedure{MyProc}{$a,b\colon \mathrm{int}$}\Comment{some comment}
\State Let $t=0$.
\State Do some action.
\State Perform task A.
\State Perform task B.
\State \textbf{return} solution