[Tex/LaTex] Algorithm returning 0


I wrote algorithms using the algorithm and algorithmic packages, but I always get the last line returning 0. I tried to use this solution, but I could not make it work. Below my algorithm code and packages that I'm using.


\usepackage{booktabs} % For formal tables
\usepackage{nameref}% Only if hyperref isn't loaded
\usepackage[autostyle=false, style=english]{csquotes}

  {% \begin{breakablealgorithm}
     \refstepcounter{algorithm}% New algorithm
     \hrule height.8pt depth0pt \kern2pt% \@fs@pre for \@fs@ruled
     \renewcommand{\caption}[2][\relax]{% Make a new \caption
       {\raggedright\textbf{\ALG@name~\thealgorithm} ##2\par}%
       \ifx\relax##1\relax % #1 is \relax
       \else % #1 is not \relax
  }{% \end{breakablealgorithm}
     \kern2pt\hrule\relax% \@fs@post for \@fs@ruled

\usepackage{booktabs, caption, makecell}


     \caption{EtHash mining algorithm}
     \REQUIRE daggerset, params, block
     \ENSURE  nonce
      \STATE $nonce=randint(0,2$**$64)$
      \STATE $result = hashimoto(daggerset,$ \\ $get\_dagsize(params,block), params,$ \\ $decode\_int(block.prevhash), nonce);$
      \IF {$result * params$["diff"] $< 2$**$256$}
      \STATE $break;$
      \STATE $nonce = nonce + 1;$
      \IF {$nonce >= 2$**$64$}
      \STATE $nonce = 0;$

      \STATE $return$ $nonce;$


The output is this:

enter image description here

Best Answer

You're using algorithm and algorithmic; remove the loading of algorithm2e and of algpseudocode.

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