[Tex/LaTex] How to use fewer markers while keeping curve details


I am trying to add a few markers to a curve with lots of points, like shown below, but without resorting to the second addplot:

  \addplot[color=red,no markers] coordinates {
  \addplot[color=red, only marks] coordinates {

Best Answer

You have several keys allowing to control which markers should be drawn:

  1. You can use mark repeat=<number>; this allows to draw only each nth mark where n was the value provided as <number>.

  2. mark phase=<number>; add this after using mark repeat to control the starting point for the markers.

  3. There also mark indices={<index list>}; use this to specify the index list of markers that should be drawn.

A complete example showing those keys in action (the first example gives the marking schema you requested in your question):

  \addplot+[color=red,mark repeat=4] coordinates {

  \addplot+[color=red,mark repeat=3,mark phase=2] coordinates {

  \addplot+[color=red,mark indices={1,5,9}] coordinates {


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