[Tex/LaTex] How to use APA-style citations with BibTeX?


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How to APA 6th in LaTex?

I am just getting started with BibTeX for the first time, and wondering how do I can use APA format. I assume there's more than one way to do this, so what are my options, and what do you recommend? Not doing anything fancy, just a simple article.

Right now I just have this LaTeX document, "doc.tex":



    \title{Sample Document}
    \author{Bob Smith}

    Blah blah blah blah blah blah by Bob ~\cite{BobsBook01}. 


And I have this bibliography file, "mybib.bib":

    @misc{ BobsBook01,
           author = "Bob Smith",
           title = "The Book of Bob",
           publisher = "Bob's Publishing",
           year = "2011"

I'm compiling this into a pdf with pdflatex using this Makefile:

    doc.pdf : doc.tex doc.bbl
            latex doc
            pdflatex doc
    doc.bbl : doc.tex doc.aux mybib.bib
            bibtex doc
    doc.aux : doc.tex
            latex doc

The output of the bibliography looks like this:

    [1] Bob Smith. The book of bob, 2011.

But I need it in APA format, which I think should be something like this:

    [1] Smith, B. (2011). The book of bob. Bob's Publishing.


Best Answer

You can use the package apacite.




See: apacite package and apa document class