[Tex/LaTex] APA style citation of book with organization as author


I want to cite in APA style a book with organization as author. The correct reference style should be something like the following:

American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

However, when I use apacite package and the following .bib file:

author={American Psychological Association},
title={Publication manual of the American Psychological Association},
place={Washington, DC},

Latex will automatically separate the first name and last name of the author so the output becomes:

Association, A. P. (2010).Publication manual of the American Psychological Association. Author,6 edition.

Two questions:

  1. How do I make the author correct (it should be American Psychological Association instead of Association, A. P.)?
  2. The output also missed "(6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.". How do I make this part correct?

Best Answer

How do I make the author correct (it should be American Psychological Association instead of Association, A. P.)?

  • Because you wrote

    author={American Psychological Association},

    BibTeX mis-interprets the author has having first name "American", middle name "Psychological", and surname "Association". Clearly this isn't what you want. To indicate to BibTeX that it's dealing with a single, "corporate" author, you should write the author field as

    author={{American Psychological Association}},

    Observe the extra pair of curly braces, which make BibTeX think that there's a single author who has just a (three-component) surname but no first and middle names.

  • Because the apacite bibliography style practices so-called "sentence style", writing the title field as

    title={Publication manual of the American Psychological Association},

    isn't correct, as the three words "American", "Psychological", and "Association" are all converted to lowercase. You should write

    title={Publication manual of the {American Psychological Association}},

    The presence of the extra curly braces prevents the lowercasing operation.

The output also missed "(6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.". How do I make this part correct?

  • apacite does not recognize a field called place. You should use address as the field name.

I believe the following MWE, which implements these comments, delivers exactly what you're looking for.

enter image description here

  author   = {{American Psychological Association}},
  title    = {Publication manual of the {American Psychological Association}},
  address  = {Washington, DC},
  edition  = {6},
  publisher= {Author},
  year     = {2010}