[Tex/LaTex] How to typeset this correspondence in LaTeX


I am looking to create a "table" or something similar in LaTeX where I show correspondence/mapping between a natural number and some other natural number, as indicated in the picture below (please excuse the badly drawn Paint example):

enter image description here

In other words "one maps onto zero, two maps onto one…" etc. I am, however, not sure how to do so in LaTeX.

Can anyone please provide me with some help as to how I can go about typesetting something similar to this in a LaTeX environment?

Best Answer

One option using a matrix; an array could also be used, but with matrix you don't have to specify the number and format of columns:



0 & 1 & 2 \\
\updownarrow & \updownarrow & \updownarrow  \\
2 & 3 & 1 


enter image description here

As has been noted, the vertical space around the arrows seems a little uneven: there's more space above the arrows than below them, so one can easily fix it:



0 & 1 & 2 \\
\UpDownarrow & \UpDownarrow & \UpDownarrow \\
2 & 3 & 1 


enter image description here

Just for the record, the array version:



0 & 1 & 2 \\
\updownarrow & \updownarrow & \updownarrow  \\
2 & 3 & 1 
