[Tex/LaTex] How to typeset the ground symbol ⏚ in LaTeX


How do I type the ground symbol ⏚ in LaTeX?

I am not trying to create a ground node in a circuit diagram (which is answered in a different question). Instead, I just want to be able to type the symbol ⏚ in math mode.

Best Answer

One option is to define a command for this symbol taking it, for example, from the circuits.ee.IEC library (I wasn't sure if this symbol should be ord, rel, bin, so I opted for bin; also, there was no information about size or baseline position, but all these attributes can easily be adjusted):


\mathbin{\text{\begin{tikzpicture}[circuit ee IEC,yscale=0.6,xscale=0.5]
\draw (0,2ex) to (0,0) node[ground,rotate=-90,xshift=.65ex] {};


$L\Ground {}$


enter image description here

Another option: this is listed as Unicode character 'EARTH GROUND' (U+23DA), so you could use XeLaTeX and a font supporting the symbol:


The earth ground symbol $⏚$.

enter image description here

fileformat.info has a list of possible fonts supporting the symbol.