[Tex/LaTex] Math Saturation Symbol


I'm searching for a math symbol that shows saturation. It looks like a slash with a horizontal line at each end.
I found a question about drawing it in a node: Saturation block

But I want to use it as a subscript in math mode.

Best Answer

I'm not sure if this is what you want, but you can design your own symbol without tikz. Use \mathchoice to allow for use as a subscript or subsubscript.

enter image description here

Here is the code:

\usepackage{calc} % needed to subtract from \hght


{\settowidth{\wdth}{$\scriptstyle /$}\settoheight{\hght}{$\scriptstyle /$}\settodepth{\dpth}{$\scriptstyle /$}%
    \rule[-\dpth]{.2em}{.08ex}\hspace{-.17\wdth}\scriptstyle /%
{\settowidth{\wdth}{$\scriptstyle /$}\settoheight{\hght}{$\scriptscriptstyle /$}\settodepth{\dpth}{$\scriptscriptstyle /$}%
    \rule[-\dpth]{.15em}{.07ex}\hspace{-.19\wdth}\scriptscriptstyle /%


$A\sat B_{A\sat B_{A\sat B}}$


If you want longer or shorter tails you can adjust the lengths in the \rule parameters. The .25em (or .2em for subscript, .18em for subsubscript) controls the length.