[Tex/LaTex] How to type an expression of a column vector


I want to type a column vector like below:

     [  dx     ]
UI = [  dy     ]
     [  dtheta ]

U is the name of this vector, and I is the subscript. Two brackets like the matrix style.
dx, dy and dtheta are actually three items with a dot on their head, and theta is a Greek letter.

Best Answer

You can use an array to create a vector. See section 3 of the Not so Short Guide to LaTeX for more details.

\mathbf{U}_I =
\mathrm{d}x \\
\mathrm{d}y \\

The spacing around between the elements and the brackets can be reduced by replacing {c} with {@{}c@{}}. You could also consider using the bmatrix environment from the amsmath package. Note that \[ and \] create an equation that is not numbered. If you need a numbered equation you should use \begin{equation} and \end{equation} instead.