[Tex/LaTex] How to switch the poles of the SPDT switch in circuitikz


I am drawing a circuit with circuitikz that have lots of SPDT switches.
I want to show the circuit at two different moments: once, when all the SPDT switches connected to out1 and the second with all of them to out2.
Is there any simple way to do this?

Here is a working example of what I am trying to code:



    % Switches
    \draw (0,2) node[spdt,xscale=1,anchor=in] (Swp) {};
    \draw (0,0) node[spdt,xscale=-1,anchor=in] (Swc) {};
    \draw (0,-2) node[spdt,xscale=1,anchor=in] (Swn) {};

    % Capacitors
    \draw (Swp.in) to[C,l_=$(C_s + \Delta C)$] (Swc.in);
    \draw (Swn.in) to[C,l^=$(C_s - \Delta C)$] (Swc.in);

    % Voltages
    \draw (Swp.out 1) node[anchor=west] {$V_{in}^+$};
    \draw (Swn.out 1) node[anchor=west] {$V_{in}^-$};
    \draw (Swp.out 2) node[anchor=west] {$V_{cm}$};
    \draw (Swn.out 2) node[anchor=west] {$V_{cm}$};
    \draw (Swc.out 1) node[anchor=east] {$V_{cm}$};
    \draw (Swc.out 2) node[anchor=east] {$V_{ref}$};

Best Answer

Turn the appropriate values into a parameter-dependant values and use a conditional test:


    % Switches
    \draw (0,2) node[spdt,xscale=1,yscale=\value,anchor=in] (Swp) {};
    \draw (0,0) node[spdt,xscale=-1,yscale=\value,anchor=in] (Swc) {};
    \draw (0,-2) node[spdt,xscale=1,yscale=\value,anchor=in] (Swn) {};

    % Capacitors
    \draw (Swp.in) to[C,l_=$(C_s + \Delta C)$] (Swc.in);
    \draw (Swn.in) to[C,l^=$(C_s - \Delta C)$] (Swc.in);

    % Voltages
    \draw (Swp.out \myone) node[anchor=west] {$V_{in}^+$};
    \draw (Swn.out \myone) node[anchor=west] {$V_{in}^-$};
    \draw (Swp.out \mytwo) node[anchor=west] {$V_{cm}$};
    \draw (Swn.out \mytwo) node[anchor=west] {$V_{cm}$};
    \draw (Swc.out \myone) node[anchor=east] {$V_{cm}$};
    \draw (Swc.out \mytwo) node[anchor=east] {$V_{ref}$};




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