[Tex/LaTex] Circuitikz draw SPDT vertically


I've been trying to do my homework assignments with LaTeX so my terrible drawing skills don't cause me to lose points, however some of the drawings I need to produce have an SPDT switch that is oriented vertically. The attached image is an example of what I'm trying to create, but I can't seem to get the switch oriented properly. I can recreate the entire circuit otherwise.

The dotted line to position B is not a requirement for my use. I've looked through the documentation but I couldn't find anything about rotating the switch.

I'm relatively unfamiliar with TikZ drawing, however I can use it at a basic level.

Rotated SPDT switch example

Best Answer

Switch is nothing but lines and a curve. In the following picture, a simple switch is drawn

enter image description here




\draw (3.5,4) -- (4,3.5);
\draw (4.5,4) to[R,-o] (8.5,4);
\draw (4,3.5) to[short,-o] (4.5,4);
\draw (4,0) to[short,-*]   (4,3.5);
\draw[->,thick] (3.5,3.7)  to[out=45,in=135]   (4.5,3.7);
\draw (0,0) to[battery] (0,4)  to[R,-o] (3.5,4);


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