[Tex/LaTex] How to skip a plot in groupplots pgfplots


The MWE puts plots in a 2×2 matrix:

x x

x –

I'd like to place the plots differently:

x –

x x





        \begin{groupplot}[group style={group size=2 by 2, horizontal sep=4em}]
            \nextgroupplot[xlabel=$x$, ylabel={$f(x) = x^2 - x +4$}]
                \addplot {x^2 - x +4};

            \nextgroupplot[xlabel=$x$, ylabel={$f(x) = x^2 - x +4$}]
                \addplot {x^2 - x +4};

            \nextgroupplot[xlabel=$x$, ylabel={$f(x) = x^2 - x +4$}]
                \addplot {x^2 - x +4};

Best Answer

Add \nextgroupplot[group/empty plot] after the first groupplot.

enter image description here




        \begin{groupplot}[group style={group size=2 by 2, horizontal sep=4em}]
            \nextgroupplot[xlabel=$x$, ylabel={$f(x) = x^2 - x +4$}]
                \addplot {x^2 - x +4};

            \nextgroupplot[group/empty plot]

            \nextgroupplot[xlabel=$x$, ylabel={$f(x) = x^2 - x +4$}]
                \addplot {x^2 - x +4};

            \nextgroupplot[xlabel=$x$, ylabel={$f(x) = x^2 - x +4$}]
                \addplot {x^2 - x +4};