[Tex/LaTex] How to set the document font


Getting a package is not the same as executing an instruction to tell TeX to use a specific font or fontsize or typestyle (like italics or boldface), right?

So I have this:


%% Language and font encodings

%% Sets page size and margins

%% Useful packages
\usepackage[colorlinks=true, allcolors=blue]{hyperref}

\title{Your Paper}



and I get this ostensibly vanilla-flavored font with serifs.

ostensibly vanilla-flavored font with serifs

Suppose one wants a sans-serif font like Helvetica or a plain mono-spaced font like we have in the edit boxes here at SE (or one like Courier)? Or a standard serif font like Times Roman?

Where do I get the different font packages and how do I tell TeX what the default document font is and how to switch from one font to another, to another font size, and to a different font style? FYI, I am using TeXworks with MiKTeX on a Windoze 10 PC.

I tried searching for another question like this and couldn't find it or, if I did, I couldn't decode it to even guess I had an answer.

Best Answer

Your question asks about four broad areas:

  1. customising the font configuration for text;

  2. customising the font configuration for maths;

  3. how to switch between sans, serif, typewriter and special fonts, and how to change font size in text;

  4. how to switch between sans, serif, typewriter and special fonts, and how to change font size in maths.

The answer to 1 and 2 is that you load a suitable package or packages using


The LaTeX Font Catalogue can help with this, as Bernard suggested in comments. I also provide some resources which might be helpful. See What font packages are installed in TeX live? for a list of packages and this font sampler.

The answer to 3 and 4 is that, generally, you shouldn't. This is because something like 'switch to italic bold' is appearance mark-up rather than logical or semantic mark-up. Generally, such changes should be handled by the class and packages you load so that, say

\section{A section}

typesets A section in a suitable font. Similarly,

\emph{I really mean this.}

should be used where emphasis is needed because it is logical/semantic rather than appearance.

Occasionally, you may want something special for a one-off effect. A typical use would be in typesetting a title page. Then you might actually want to hard-code the appearance.

\textbf{Bold} or {\bfseries bold}
\textit{Italic} or {\itshape italics}
\textsc{Small-caps} or {\scshape small-caps}
\textsf{Sans} or {\sffamily sans}
\textrm{Serif} or {\rmfamily serif}
\texttt{Typewriter} or {\ttfamily typewriter}

{\tiny tiny\par
\scriptsize script\par
\footnotesize footnote\par
\small small\par
\normalsize normal\par
\large large\par\Large larger\par
\LARGE larger\par
\huge larger\par
\Huge largest\par}

font changes: family, shape, series and size

Generally, sizing etc. is automatic in maths mode. Where necessary, you can use


and so on, but these should not usually be necessary.

For further information, see What are good learning resources for a LaTeX beginner?.