[Tex/LaTex] Set the default font narrower


I was trying to find the answer for my problem, but I didn't found anything good.
The default font in Latex is Computer_Modern. But in my document, the letters are very wide. Is any possibility to set this default font narrower?
I tried to use another fonts, but then everything in document is changing (for example, the section and subsection topics aren't bold, what is not good for me).


 This is an example. 

Best Answer

Just to give some examples of narrower fonts with bold faces for which packages are provided on CTAN and in TeX Live:

Examples of fonts narrower than CMR with bold weights and standard support packages

\newcommand*{\test}{This is an example. and \textbf{This is some bold.}\par}

 Venturis Old:\par

Don't use those commands if you want to use these fonts, obviously, load the relevant packages instead e.g. \usepackage{venturis2} or whatever.

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