[Tex/LaTex] How to round different parts of LaTex number table differently


Lets say I have the following LaTex number table:

\caption{My caption}
0,209966415285772 & 0,107300702188478 & 0,220336484787743 \\
0,235535794083825 & 0,124200085401020 & 0,241022336291680 \\
0,238895516728854 & 0,112685447109388 & 0,241352008484367

How can I round e.g. rows 1-2 to 3 decimals and row 3 to 2 decimals?

The reason why I'm asking this is because I have a big table with a lot of numbers and I need to round different parts of the table differently. How can I do this? MWE?

Best Answer

a small variation of TEXnician answer (considering your comment):


\sisetup{table-column-width=16ex,    % local setting for all S columns
\caption{My caption}
0,209 966 415 285 772 & 0,107300702188478 & 0,220336484787743 \\
0,235535794083825 & 0,124200085401020 & 0,241022336291680 \\
\sisetup{round-precision=2}          % change setting for next S columns
0,238895516728854 & 0,112685447109388 & 0,241352008484367

enter image description here

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