[Tex/LaTex] How to set the space between rows in a table


This is the Latex code I have to create a table:


\usepackage[top=0.5cm, bottom=0.5cm, left=0.5cm, right=0.5cm, columnsep=0.75cm]{geometry}


\subsubsection*{Fourier Transform properties}
\begin{tabular}{l@\quad|@\quad l@\quad|@\quad l@\quad|@\quad l}
    Property & Time domain & Frequency domain & Condition \\
    Time-shift & $f(t - \tau)$ & $\hat{f}(\omega)e^{-i \omega \tau}$ \\
    Frequency-shift & $f(t) e^{i \omega_0 t}$ & $\hat{f}(\omega - \omega_0)$ \\
    Modulation Thm. & $f(t)\cos(\omega_0 t)$ & $\cfrac{\hat{f}(\omega-\omega_0)+\hat{f}(\omega+\omega_0)}{2}$ \\
    Differentiation (time) & $f^{(n)}(t)$ & $(i\omega)^n \hat{f}(\omega)$ & $\lim_{t \to \pm \infty} f(t) = 0$


With this code there is no space between the rows in the table.
How can I add some space (let's say 0.3 cm) between the rows? I've tried a few things,
but they don't work as expected.

When using \setlength{\extrarowheight}{0.3cm}, the table looks like this:

As you can see, no space is added between the third and the fourth row.
Also, the text in the header row is aligned at the bottom, which does not look nice.

When using \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.8}, the table looks like this:

This looks better, but the space between the second and third row is twice as big as
the space between the third and fourth row.

Which command can I use that always puts the same amount of spacing between two rows?

Best Answer




\subsubsection*{Fourier Transform properties}
\begin{tabular}{@{}l | l | l | l @{}}
    Property & Time domain & Frequency domain & Condition \\
    Time-shift & $f(t - \tau)$ & $\hat{f}(\omega)e^{-i \omega \tau}$ \\
    Frequency-shift & $f(t) e^{i \omega_0 t}$ & $\hat{f}(\omega - \omega_0)$ \\
\rule{0pt}{5ex}%  EXTRA vertical height  
    Modulation Thm. & $f(t)\cos(\omega_0 t)$ & $\dfrac{ \hat{f}(\omega-\omega_0)+\hat{f}(\omega+\omega_0) }{2}$ \\
    Differentiation (time) & $f^{(n)}(t)$ & $(i\omega)^n \hat{f}(\omega)$ & $\displaystyle\lim_{\mathclap{t \to \pm \infty}} f(t) = 0$

enter image description here

another possibility is to use package tabls. But this may cause problems when using other tabular packages. Try it and maybe the possible optional arguments are of interest, as minimal distance between tabulkar lines.




\subsubsection*{Fourier Transform properties}
\begin{tabular}{@{}l | l | l | l @{}}
    Property & Time domain & Frequency domain & Condition \\
    Time-shift & $f(t - \tau)$ & $\hat{f}(\omega)e^{-i \omega \tau}$ \\
    Frequency-shift & $f(t) e^{i \omega_0 t}$ & $\hat{f}(\omega - \omega_0)$ \\   
    Modulation Thm. & $f(t)\cos(\omega_0 t)$ & $\dfrac{ \hat{f}(\omega-\omega_0)+\hat{f}(\omega+\omega_0) }{2}$ \\
    Differentiation (time) & $f^{(n)}(t)$ & $(i\omega)^n \hat{f}(\omega)$ & $\displaystyle\lim_{\mathclap{t \to \pm \infty}} f(t) = 0$

enter image description here