[Tex/LaTex] How to raise or lower the position of text

minipagetext manipulation

Using minipage, I've split my header into

\textsc{ \Huge{\textbf{MyNameHere}} }\\
   MyPhone \bullet MyEmail

However, the text of the items don't seem to be on even bases. In other words, the text in the left box seems to be "floating" a bit higher than the text on the right.

How can I raise the text in right box?

I tried using the optional argument [b] and adding \noindent

\noindent % to insert left mini page at left margin
    { \Huge{\textbf{MyNameHere}} }\\
\end{minipage}\hfill% don't leave empty spaces between the two minipages
        \faHome\ Address \textbullet\ CityStateZip \textbullet\ Country \\
        \faMobilePhone\ Phone \textbullet\ \faEnvelopeO\ E-mail \\ %[-0.2cm]

But I still have this:
enter image description here
It might not be too clear b/c the background is white, but notice how MyNameHere is much higher.

Best Answer

The two minipage environments can be aligned at different ways:


\textsc{\Huge{\textbf{MyName A}}}
   MyPhone \textbullet\ MyEmail


\textsc{\Huge{\textbf{MyName B}}}
   MyPhone \textbullet\ MyEmail


\textsc{\Huge{\textbf{MyName C}}}
   MyPhone \textbullet\ MyEmail


\textsc{\Huge{\textbf{MyName D}}}
   MyPhone \textbullet\ MyEmail


  \textsc{\Huge{\textbf{MyName E}}}
   MyPhone \textbullet\ MyEmail



A: The minipages are vertically centered.

B: The base lines of the top lines are aligned.

C: The top of the minipages are aligned.

D: The base lines of the bottom lines are aligned.

E: The bottom of the minipages are aligned.